Inspired by the App Defaults page that lists the stuff a bunch of different people use, I figured I’d make one too. I live for this shit.

📨 Mail Client: Currently using Spark (via SetApp), but might go back to Fastmail UI in a tab
📮 Mail Server: Fastmail
📝 Notes: Notebooks (Plotter, Midori, Field Notes), Obsidian digitally
✅ To-Do: Notebooks (Plotter, Midori, Field Notes), Ugmonk Analog, Things 3
🖋️ Pens: Pilot Vanishing Point, Studio Neat Mark One, Lamy Multipen
📷 iPhone Photo Shooting: Halide via action button shortcut
🟦 Photo Management:
🧑🏻‍💻 Photo Editing: Darkroom
📆 Calendar: Fantastical
📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud Drive
📖 RSS: Feedbin, web UI on desktop, Reeder on phone
📚 Book: Kindle on Boox Palma, and Prologue for audio
🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: Cardhop
🌐 Browser: Arc on laptop, Safari on phone
🔍 Search: Kagi
🐘 Mastodon: Phanpy and Mona
💬 Chat: Messages, Signal
🔖 Bookmarks:, Goodlinks
📑 Read It Later: Readwise Reader
📜 Word Processing: Obsidian, Ulysses, Google Docs for work
📈 Spreadsheets: Google Sheets I guess
📊 Presentations: Google Slides because I have to, Obsidian advanced slides plugin when I can
🛒 Shopping Lists: Reminders
🍴 Meal Planning: Mela
💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: Empower (formerly Personal Capital)
📰 News: Apple News, Mastodon, YouTube
🎵 Music: Apple Music
🎤 Podcasts: Apple Podcasts (because it works in my car now), Snipd is pretty rad though
🔐 Password Management: 1Password
🚀 Launcher: Raycast

I’ll probably write individual posts for a bunch of these things over time, we’ll see how far I get. It’ll probably end up like Sufjan Stevens making an album for each state.