
Full Post List

Oct 16, 2024: the new thurston moore album is great

Oct 15, 2024: So there!

Oct 15, 2024: hell yeah

Oct 15, 2024: been playing these Paper App™ games and they’re a lot of fun when you have some down time. i did the printable one because i’m impatient …

Oct 14, 2024: gonna go watch andre 3000 toot on some flutes

Sep 9, 2024:… #RIP

Sep 6, 2024: It’s Bandcamp Friday! You should go buy SHAM TIVEY! #bandcampfriday #noiserock #dadbands

Jun 25, 2024:

Jun 20, 2024:

Jun 19, 2024:…

Jun 19, 2024: SHAM TIVEY, the EP my band Sheenjek recently recorded, is live on all the places! Please listen if you are into middle aged dads from Portland playing …

Jun 7, 2024: Saw Lung and Dead Bob! It ruled

Jun 4, 2024:

May 11, 2024: found a pretty good spot to check out the aurora

May 9, 2024: went to las vegas

May 5, 2024:

Apr 16, 2024: crossing the aisle

Apr 15, 2024: this is fucking beautiful

Apr 8, 2024:

Apr 4, 2024: I love dumb shit like this…

Apr 4, 2024:

Apr 1, 2024: took the little dude out to #onewheel on some trails for the first time, he was awesome, can’t wait to go out more with him

Mar 28, 2024: Chelsea Wolfe

Mar 3, 2024: 🤌…

Mar 1, 2024: went to the pissed jeans show but instead of watching the band I was watching the women in front of me livestreaming a poodle

Feb 27, 2024: had a dream last night where I was at a wedding reception or birthday party or something and Michael McDonald was the hired entertainment and he came …

Feb 12, 2024: used to live here in 1997

Feb 11, 2024: NYC weekend with the doggz

Feb 9, 2024: Will Barron Trump Ever Stop Growing? - Slate man I hope not

Feb 9, 2024: in new york city #pigeon

Jan 31, 2024: man, this shit seems dorky but is legit ridiculously impressive…

Jan 28, 2024: Went to the Lord Dying record release show and they ruled. 📷 🎵 🤘

Jan 27, 2024: 🐈 🍞 fresh churro loaf #caturday

Jan 21, 2024: Yachats Some pics from our trip to the coast for my birthday in November. It’s not good for swimming or whatever, but the Oregon coast sure is pretty. Enjoy …

Jan 21, 2024: The new Lord Dying album Clandestine Transcendence dropped and it’s a fuckin banger. Still one of my favorite bands out there, super stoked to …

Jan 21, 2024: Fellow Stagg X Pour Over Coffee Set Recently, a bottle of hot sauce fell out of our cupboard and smashed my Hario coffee decanter. For the past year or so, I’ve been using it with …

Jan 15, 2024: me

Jan 13, 2024:

Jan 5, 2024: this is amazing, what a cool idea. growing up in socal i can almost feel this terrain (via kottke)

Jan 5, 2024: new OMA album of 90s hip-hop covers just dropped and it rules…

Jan 4, 2024:

Jan 4, 2024: voice like butter

Jan 3, 2024: man who the fuck added me to the Nikki Haley SMS list

Dec 31, 2023: Finished reading: Godless by Dan Barker 📚

Dec 29, 2023: 🖋️notebooking at wonderwood again

Dec 29, 2023: still rules… #metal #doom

Dec 27, 2023: Astonishing: A Wartime Zine Made in 1943-45 by a Jewish Man Hiding From the Nazis… Amazing these survived, and how incredible the design and artwork is. This type of collage style design work was all the …

Dec 27, 2023: Installed busycal last night from setapp after trying it a long time ago and immediately dismissing it because it was so ugly. It’s actually …

Dec 26, 2023: well this is depressing

Dec 24, 2023: a capybara we met in japan

Dec 24, 2023: App Defaults 2023 Inspired by the App Defaults page that lists the stuff a bunch of different people use, I figured I’d make one too. I live for this shit. 📨 Mail …

Dec 24, 2023: living in oregon is pretty rad #onewheel

Dec 24, 2023: Elon Musk’s ‘anti-woke’ Grok AI is disappointing his right-wing fans lol. lmao.

Dec 23, 2023: just finished watching the Hillsong: A Megachurch Exposed documentary, and damn. megachurches just doin' the megachurch thing. how could anyone not …

Dec 22, 2023: Lingua Ignota #photography

Dec 21, 2023: God DAMN this song is absolutely perfect #metal

Dec 21, 2023: a cute mushroom i saw on the trail

Dec 21, 2023: took a trip to Yachats for my birthday, the Oregon coast is amazing

Dec 21, 2023: Botch in Portland #metal #nostalgia

Dec 21, 2023: this is ridiculously good #music

Dec 21, 2023: Notebooking at Wonderwood Springs

Dec 20, 2023: had a really fun holiday party for work last night #photography


Dec 18, 2023: HAHA! BUSINESS BOOKS 📚 My work is giving me access to a business coach, which has been pretty cool. I’d been thinking it would be pretty nice to have someone to talk …

Dec 17, 2023: 🖋️notebooking at wonderwood springs #photography #stationery

Dec 16, 2023: Finished reading: The Little Book of Humanism by Alice Roberts 📚

Dec 16, 2023: Finished reading: The Little Book of Humanism by Alice Roberts 📚

Dec 15, 2023: We took a trip to Japan this past summer and it was awesome #photography #Japan #travel

Dec 15, 2023: 📷 ✈️ We took a trip to Japan this past summer. My wife does synchronized swimming and the worlds competition was in Kagoshima, so we made a family …

Dec 15, 2023: Saw Quicksand play Slip from start to finish for its 30th anniversary recently. Flawless album. #photography #posthardcore #shows

Dec 13, 2023: Botch in Portland, October 7, 2023 #photography #shows #metal

Dec 12, 2023:

Dec 12, 2023:…

Dec 11, 2023: dr phil is a camry man hell yeah

Dec 11, 2023: dr phil is a camry man hell yeah

Dec 10, 2023: hygge churro

Dec 10, 2023: hygge churro

Oct 6, 2023: riffs

Aug 26, 2023: got one of those electric flyswatters to battle fruit flies and now I feel like when Rambo put that headband on

Aug 24, 2023: new drop from MWA (MAGAs With Attitude)

Aug 23, 2023: definitely ordering one of these

Aug 21, 2023: But doctor… I am Pugliacci.

Jul 20, 2023: tactical handkerchiefs

Jul 17, 2023: man, this rules. despite being dorky, these tricks are *incredibly* hard

Jul 5, 2023: dang they’re not even trying anymore

Jun 26, 2023: #drawing of a Joseph Wyman tin type photo done with #procreate on an iPad mini

Jun 20, 2023: ruin your notebooks this post is exactly what i needed to hear about all these notebooks i have lying around unused. I only recently overcame this fear by buying a …

Feb 3, 2023: Currently reading: Ducks by Kate Beaton 📚 I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book, I just knew she drew the canonical “Old as …

Jan 2, 2023: Best of 2022 – Insta360 X3 When I started Onewheeling, I naturally went to YouTube and watched as many videos of people trail riding as a I could. Whenever I find something new, …

Dec 29, 2022: Best of 2022 – YouTube Yeah, I know, I’m only like 10 years late, but I finally “get” YouTube. I was always kinda mad at them for becoming kazillionaires by hosting a bunch …

Dec 29, 2022: Best of 2022 – Onewheel Growing up as a skater kid, I’ve been pretty comfortable on boards with wheels for a long time. Thankfully, the muscle memory is still kinda there. …

Dec 28, 2022: Best of 2022 – Continuity Camera Because we all live in a world of nonstop Zoom calls now, things like webcams actually matter. We all know laptop cameras are not great, and if you …

Dec 26, 2022: #portland #timbers on Christmas Eve eve

Dec 24, 2022: Best of 2022 – Music You know the drill. Here’s some of my favorite stuff from this last year, starting with music. I listened to a whole bunch of things this year, but …

Dec 21, 2022: TSA Preeeeez Nuuuuuttzzzz A sort of continuation of the budget culture article I posted a few months ago. This article goes over the absurdity and sheer usefulness of the TSA …

Dec 18, 2022: Issue 17 – Like a phoenix rising from the ashes Ok, so I obviously haven’t sent anything out or posted in a long ass time. My bad. An explanation: I started in early 2022 and posted every …

Dec 11, 2022: 📷 #caturday

Dec 10, 2022: About this site is my blog/newsletter about the shit i'm currently interested in. thanks for checking it out and subscribing. ColophonI use the following …

Nov 27, 2022: #mexico #oaxaca #mitla

Nov 23, 2022: churro is a cool #cat

Nov 23, 2022: #onewheel trail riding in oregon is the best

Aug 10, 2022: Issue 16 Hey all! I'm officially 1 week into my 6 week sabbatical, and so far doing absolutely nothing is everything I thought it could be. Over the last week, …

Aug 1, 2022: Issue 15 Another late one. I just started a six week sabbatical so my schedule is a bit off. I'm still going to try to post weekly, but the day might shift as …

Jul 23, 2022: Issue 14 If you want to talk about anything in here, please reply to this email (or email me at if you're reading this on RSS)! I'd love to …

Jul 16, 2022: Issue 13 Shorter one this week. I'm currently in Indiana visiting with family for my grandpa's memorial service and haven't had much time this week to write. …

Jul 9, 2022: Issue 12 While we were in socal, we made the required pilgrimage to Disneyland. It's weird after growing up down there and having annual passes. What used to …

Jul 2, 2022: Severance I mentioned a few issues ago that we were watching Severance on AppleTV+ on the recommendation of some friends. It looked pretty interesting from the …

Jul 2, 2022: Issue 11 If you want to talk about anything in here, please reply to this email (or email me at if you're reading this on RSS)! I'd love to …

Jun 25, 2022: Issue 10 Becky Bell by CAMPAIgN I grew up in socal, going to high school from 1990 - 1994. I was a skater and I got into straight edge and hardcore right …

Jun 25, 2022: Issue 10 Becky Bell by CAMPAIgN I grew up in socal, going to high school from 1990 - 1994. I was a skater and I got into straight edge and hardcore right …

Jun 18, 2022: Issue 9 Sending this one out a bit later than usual because I was hanging out with a friend who is moving away to Nashville tomorrow, and then went to a pride …

Jun 11, 2022: Issue 8 Shit I'm...Considering...I don't have a single tattoo on my body. I've always been pretty certain I'd never be satisfied with anything enough that I …

Jun 4, 2022: Issue 7 Shit I'm...ReadingI just started reading The Untethered Soul. Seems kinda cheesy, but it came as a recommendation. Not much to say just yet, but it’s …

May 27, 2022: Issue 6 Shit I'm...ReadingMore or Less – his and hers apartment, side by side – interesting article about a couple splitting their living space into two …

May 20, 2022: Issue 5 Shit I'm...ReadingOur Misguided Obsession with Twitter Cal Newport, Thought Leader extraordinaire, doing a victory lap on his claim that he's never …

May 14, 2022: Issue 4 I haven’t seen most of my family for three years now because of covid and all that. It sucks. I’m originally form southern california, …

May 14, 2022: Issue 4 I haven't seen most of my family for three years now because of covid and all that. It sucks. I'm originally form southern california, have a pretty …

May 7, 2022: Issue 3 Portland, OR – Portland: ⛅️ +60°F Shit I’m… Update: Jen’s 40th birthday was awesome! Here’s me dressed up as a …

May 7, 2022: Issue 3 Portland, OR – Portland: ⛅️ +60°F Shit I'm...Update: Jen's 40th birthday was awesome! Here's me dressed up as a interview with a vampire type …

Apr 30, 2022: Issue 2 Portland, OR – Portland: ☀️ +41°F Also, today is my wife's 40th birthday!! I'm extremely lucky to have her in my life, and I love her with all my …

Apr 29, 2022: Newsletter – Issue 2 Portland, OR – Portland: ☀️ +41°F Also, today is my wife’s 40th birthday!! I’m extremely lucky to have her in my life, and I love her with …

Apr 23, 2022: Issue 1 I dunno, I guess I’m going through a bit of a mid life crisis. I’m 45, which, if I’m lucky, is pretty much smack dab in the middle …

Apr 23, 2022: Issue 1 I dunno, I guess I'm going through a bit of a mid life crisis. I'm 45, which, if I'm lucky, is pretty much smack dab in the middle of the ~4500 weeks …